Sunday, November 4, 2012

Miracles Do Happen

I have been blessed to have seen a miracle in progress this week. Some of you might know that I am the Assistant Director for the musical this fall at school, Little Women. The director, a dear professor and friend, suddenly fell over in pain. He was in the middle of passing a kidney stone. I had only seen my dad go through this on a few occasions in high school. He never reacted the way my professor did that Thursday night. I saw this man curl up in pain once I got him to his car, screaming terror from the pain. I was scared out of my mind. He then turned to me and yelled "Get out of here. I don't want you to hear this." I closed his car door and ran. I walked back into rehearsal and the youngest member of our cast asked to have a prayer in his behalf. I was so touched at that moment of faith. We must have prayed at rehearsal 3 times for him to at least find some comfort while in his pain. Found out he also got a blessing from two of the men in our cast and then was driven to the ER for further care. 

After rehearsal, the cast decided to have a fast for the professor so he will be able to overcome the kidney stone, find comfort, help his family, and give inspiration to him, the stage manager and me to figure out how to go about rehearsals until he has a full recovery from this kidney stone. So, most of us fasted on Friday until about the hour before rehearsal. As much as it was a bonding time for us as a cast, it brought time for us to see what our sacrifice was for. When the time for rehearsal came around, in walks our dear professor with his wife and adult daughter. What joy was brought in that room! Everyone applauded and hugged and smiled. He was only with us for an hour, but it was a blessing and a miracle all the same! We are still praying for a full recovery, but he is doing much better with the help of good pain medication. 

So, life at SVU goes on and the Lord shows us that He does listen and care for us all.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Senior Year!!!

I realize that I am horrible about keeping up with this blog! I can only hope that I can get better eventually.

Anyway, this past September began my senior year at SVU. Can you believe it? I have been at this great and expensive school for 4 years now? I hardly can! I am on track to graduate April 27, 2013 with Bachelor degrees in Music and Theatre. The work load though is amazing. I am constantly doing something everyday. My class list this semester is:

  • Music Theory III- learning how music is made closer to what we hear from modern composers
  • Acting III (Musical Theatre)- learning how to act while singing and some possible dancing
  • Music History I- learning music's history from Ancient Greece up to Bach in the Baroque period
  • Scenic Painting- learning how to paint for the stage (this class is a lot harder than it sounds!)
  • Orchestra- playing percussion for whatever pieces Professor Taylor decides to have us play
  • Wind Ensemble- similar but I am first flute 
  • Aural Skills III- training my ears to hear music events and sounds
  • Piano lessons- yup, picked that up again
  • Performance Attendance- yes this is a real class
  • Production Workshop- learn how to work behind the scenes of the theatre so all performances run as smoothly as possible
  • Senior Project- consisting of acting as Assistant Director for Little Women, the musical we are performing this semester, compose a percussion score for that show and perform it. I also had to perform percussion for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. That show did REALLY well! We even took it on the road for one performance.
  • Sunday School Teacher- with my husband, we teach the amazing 12- 13 year olds in our ward. Some of the best youth I know!
  • Relief Society Chorister- leading the music in the RS meetings on Sunday
I think that is it... if not I will let you know! This semester has been busy, tiring, exciting, and fun. There would be very little I would change about it. I better go, I think the dishes are calling my name (ugh). Love you all and I hope that I can see people at Thanksgiving!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year, New Classes, New other things

So, Life has started to become interesting again. Let me start with Christmas break.

I got to go home for a couple of days to see my big, little brother who was visiting from BYU. It was nice to see him and catch up with him on how our lives are going. I also got to see my best friend in the world and hear about her life in college. It sounds so exciting and I am glad she is making new friends but still has time for me.

After that, I went to my husband's family Christmas party. It was fun meeting more cousins that are now mine and getting to know the other members of my new family. Christmas day, we woke up and had pancakes with grandma! They were so good! We then drove back home so he could go to work. I know! He had to work on Christmas! Sad, huh?

The rest of the break I had to survive through cabin fever. Most of my friends went home for the holidays, including my close relatives here. I got real bored. Then the new kids of school came in and the school took whoever wanted to go on an ice skating trip! I was so excited! I rode with two cousins and had a blast! I even broke my frames of my glasses from falling! They were an easy fix though.

Classes this semester are fun, a lot of work, and so interesting to learn about. More complex theories of music, how to conduct instrumental music, how to act for film, and so much more! I am still the Relief Society chorister and a visiting teacher. I hope to post more when there is more. Love you all. Y'all come back now, y'ah here?