Sunday, January 20, 2013

The End is coming in the Spring

I graduate in 3 months and 7 days from my undergraduate programs. I am blessed to have a husband that loves me and is willing to work for us to be able to live together. A family of loving parents and wonderful siblings that care for me whether I am going through trials or in peace. Friends that love and support me no matter what. Extended family that loves me know matter how often I see them. And finally my Sunday School class. They are some of the most awesome 12 and 13 year-old's I know!

Today in Sunday School we were talking about how we could help others understand our Heavenly Father. An older gentleman walked in asking if he could sit in on our class and I agreed to let him stay. We start the lesson with asking the students if they were able to remember what we talked about last week with learning about the Holy Ghost. They were shy about it at first but they opened up a little. After a while, we started talking about Heavenly Father, who he was and how we understand him. The guest then injects and starts having the kids go through different sonarios of how people question about God and how they can share their testimonies. They really got interested and really started sharing their testimonies! Even one who doesn't participate much even did more than normal! And closed it off real spiritual. He then came up to me after the prayer. He then tells me that he is on the General Sunday School Board! I had a humbling experience today! He said that we need to plan the experience not just the lesson. It was great!!

That was my Sunday? How about you?