Sunday, September 26, 2010

Counting My Blessings

I know I'm not going through anything rough now but I feel like I've been blessed more since last Saturday.

Before I started dating, it seemed like I had a testimony of things in the church, but also kinda going through the motions, just doing something to do it. Afterwards, I've changed my attitude about reading scriptures, praying, journal entries, and everything church related. I even bore my testimony about that one youth conference that the 4 oldest Ohio Welch youth went to a few years ago. After I was done, a priesthood holder stood up and said that I gave him the confidence to share his with the congregation! I wonder if the missionaries feel as excited as I did when they go teach people.

Thursday, I was in a group that presented information on A Midsummer Night's Dream for an Intro to Theater History class. The professor was excited that we got people in class to participate the way audiances did in his time! He was happy and talkitive on the positive of the presentation, I believe that we got a really good grade!

Friday, Justin and I double dated with our friends Tim Knouker (pronounced no-ker) and a girl named Jo. We ate at Lee-hi's, watched Toy Story 3, and his high school James Bond movie. It was good for a high school production.

Saturday, we had breakfast together, did homework, had a photoshoot with his dad, and played in the Pep Band. It was his first time ever to play Quads and he did an excellent job! He also helped in getting things to and from the stadium, even was helpful to our baritone sax player who had an allergy attack and had to go home. It was fun!

Katrina James, a friend from last year, and I watched the Relief Society broadcast at my mod because we got finished with band things 5 minutes before the broadcast started and we knew we couldn't make it to the stake center on time. President Monson was our favorite! He talked on not judging others in a comical and serious way that really makes you pay attention.
That's all I really got to say. I hope to hear from you all soon!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's new...

So some of you may know that I have a boyfriend now. His name is Justin Bowes, a wonderful, active return missionary from Northern VA. He is friends with Daniel and Brandon from when they attended SVU and is a music major. No, we are not engaged and we won't know until the Lord tells us otherwise. We will get pictures soon so if you don't have a Facebook account don't worry.

School is going well. I'm doing fine in all my classes and no job, no calling. Umm... so yeah... I love you all and I hope to see or hear from you soon!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

labor day weekend

So classes here have been great!! Introduction of Theater History we went outside to experience a Greek-like theater setting, learning how to use my ears to identify music, how to use resources wisely, about the Enlightenment, and all that other fun stuff.

This past Friday, our school football team won against Radford University 44-6! It was amazing to watch a game that we actually "slaughter" the opposing team and not be in the Pep Band! (First game of the season and we didn't get time before to rehearse properly).

Saturday, a day to complete homework and have movie marathons. So much fun!! Sunday was very spiritual with testimonies, learning about Hosea, and talking about unity with each other. Later that day, I got together with other people who live in the mods and we played Band Hero!! So much fun playing the drums!!

Monday, I slept in, took care of some business around campus, and then more movie marathons!!! That night I went to Family Home Evening and learned how to Salsa dance! Then, attended the local fireworks display! SO MANY BRIGHT COLORS!! AND SO LOUD!!!

Class this week has been good and easy. I love you all and can't wait to hear from you all soon! If you want my mailing address, email me or call me!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Picutes of the Mod

Here are the pictures of my home for the school year!! It's small but it has everything i need except food!!