Monday, December 13, 2010

There's a light at the end of the tunnel

So, it's been a while. I'm sorry. I'm finished with classes and started finals. I finished aural skills this morning, with 5 more to go. Saturday, I watched a Star Wars marathon with many of my friends, with a pause for a Secret Santa gift exchange.

Yesterday, I performed my first flute solo in sacrament meeting for the ward Christmas program! I played The Nativity Song from the Children's Songbook because it is one of my favorites! The congregation loved it, but I knew better. I also sang in the ward choir. Yes, I'm coming out more with my talents, I'm so proud of myself! There was a Relief Society activity that talked about the true spirit of Christmas that was really cool. I then was visit taught by Spencer and Justin. Afterwards, we all went to hang out at Kat and Josh Walker's house, watching Dr. Who and just having fun with each other!

Well, I can't wait to be home for the holidays! I love you all and I pray that all is well!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter 7 Part 1 Premire

So last night I went to my first movie premire! It was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1! What a first premire! This one will probably be my favorite because it seems to follow the book the most.
The audiance was mostly full of James Madson University students who didn't know how to be quiet! Either they were talking or being loud shushing the others that it was obnoxious. Otherwise we all had fun!

I even dressed up! I went as Hermione Granger, the smart one with good senses. I went with Rachel and Casey Adams, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter, Justin Bowes, Kathy Gilmer, Ashley Wilcox, a random Hufflepuff student, Mariel and Erik Kunz, Molly Weasley and Hagrid, Nathan Taylor, Remus Lupin, and Arielle Tanner, Luna Lovegood.

I dedicated my night and costume to Mrs. Susan Miller. She was a teacher I had for the Harry Potter club in middle school, becoming my dear friend. She passed away my senoir year of high school from cancer, I think it was lung cancer but I'm not sure. So, this is her Little Hermione all grown up and remembering her.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh November!!

This month has been like Diamondback at King's Island, crazy and everywhere.

Academically, classes are going well and you can tell the end of the semester is getting closer. Final papers, harder exams, stressed out freshman, and all that fun stuff. Classes have been going pretty well for me, not that I don't have my challenges, but they haven't been miserable.

Spiritually, things have been good. I am now the Relief Society Greeter for my ward! Yay callings! And everyday I gain a stronger testimony of the church and the Gospel.

Socially, it has been crap. I won't go into detail here because if I want you to know, I will share with you personally. But I'm getting stronger one day at a time, putting a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

But it was made better with also conversations with people who are involved and dear friends and family. Which surprised me with a visit this past friday!! It was amazing!! I definately needed them at this time!

And if any one know who this is, Charles Manuel came and talked at our school Friday. He remineced most of the time about growing up in BV. He just kept talking and talking... it took forever! Not that I don't apprecitate that he took the time to visit, he just liked to talk.

The Wind Ensemble concert on Friday went well. The music was an overall success. We played Jupiter from Holst: The Planets, and Sweringen and Susa, and other great musical bits.

I pray that you all have a good week!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!! I hope everyone had a good holiday!

If you haven't seen it on Facebook or haven't heard it from anyone else, I am single again. Justin and I broke it off mutually and we are still close friends. I'm over him, mostly, but I'm getting over it a day at a time.

School has been schooly and life is life-y. Partyed this weekend with friends for Halloween and had a ball!

I also gave myself bangs!! I haven't had these since elementry school! Crazy! I like them but I still have to get use to them.
So that's all folks!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life Goes On

Yes it has been a while since I have posted anything, I'm sorry. Life has been happening and it's been a joy ride.

As those who are members know, we had General conference 2 weeks ago. My favorite was, of course, Elder David A. Bednar. He gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost. Then the hymn "Now Let Us Rejoice" really touched me like never before. It was awesome!! I also was found worthy to hold a temporary temple recommend by my bishop so I could do work the coming Tuesday.

Monday was a typical Monday, not wanting to get out of bed and so on. Tuesday, after pulling an all-nighter, went to meet others to go to the temple at 5 in the morning. I slept like a baby the entire ride up. I woke up just in time to hear my name get called to remind me of going to do baptisms and quickly change. I had the best time! I also later helped with putting up the Christmas lights on the trees around the grounds with Justin. Afterwards, we left and decided to visit his family for a while. We got home late that night because I had misplaced my purse, but was found by a friend and given back later.

Thursday, after all my classes and my homework was finished, Justin and I went to Harrisonburg to meet with his high school friend Brittany. She is a theater major and is really random and fun! We ate at a Greek restaurant! It was SO good!

Friday was the beginning of a great weekend. Mom and Brandon came to visit for Parent's Weekend. Justin got to visit with Brandon, roommates their freshman year, and we all ate at Applebee's. Later, Justin and I performed in the Homecoming concert. It was amazing! Many people enjoyed my cymbal and bass drum "solos" in Dance of the Comedians and The Firebird Suit. We then had ice cream at Alexander's, owned by our own Nate Pence.

Saturday, Welchs went shopping at Walmart and bought plenty of food! We then went to the football game, which we won! Justin and I played in the Pep Band and had fun cheering on the team. We then got ready for Stake conference and the Homecoming dance. Yes, we attended both. I got a whole lot out of the session. 2 investigators spoke!! That is amazing itself! The dance was fun and there was much smiling and laughing as there was dancing.

Sunday was the general session of Stake Conference. It was a great session as well. Mom and Brandon left that afternoon and life has been pretty normal since.

That's what is up with me and SVU. I can't wait to hear from you all! I love and miss you!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Counting My Blessings

I know I'm not going through anything rough now but I feel like I've been blessed more since last Saturday.

Before I started dating, it seemed like I had a testimony of things in the church, but also kinda going through the motions, just doing something to do it. Afterwards, I've changed my attitude about reading scriptures, praying, journal entries, and everything church related. I even bore my testimony about that one youth conference that the 4 oldest Ohio Welch youth went to a few years ago. After I was done, a priesthood holder stood up and said that I gave him the confidence to share his with the congregation! I wonder if the missionaries feel as excited as I did when they go teach people.

Thursday, I was in a group that presented information on A Midsummer Night's Dream for an Intro to Theater History class. The professor was excited that we got people in class to participate the way audiances did in his time! He was happy and talkitive on the positive of the presentation, I believe that we got a really good grade!

Friday, Justin and I double dated with our friends Tim Knouker (pronounced no-ker) and a girl named Jo. We ate at Lee-hi's, watched Toy Story 3, and his high school James Bond movie. It was good for a high school production.

Saturday, we had breakfast together, did homework, had a photoshoot with his dad, and played in the Pep Band. It was his first time ever to play Quads and he did an excellent job! He also helped in getting things to and from the stadium, even was helpful to our baritone sax player who had an allergy attack and had to go home. It was fun!

Katrina James, a friend from last year, and I watched the Relief Society broadcast at my mod because we got finished with band things 5 minutes before the broadcast started and we knew we couldn't make it to the stake center on time. President Monson was our favorite! He talked on not judging others in a comical and serious way that really makes you pay attention.
That's all I really got to say. I hope to hear from you all soon!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What's new...

So some of you may know that I have a boyfriend now. His name is Justin Bowes, a wonderful, active return missionary from Northern VA. He is friends with Daniel and Brandon from when they attended SVU and is a music major. No, we are not engaged and we won't know until the Lord tells us otherwise. We will get pictures soon so if you don't have a Facebook account don't worry.

School is going well. I'm doing fine in all my classes and no job, no calling. Umm... so yeah... I love you all and I hope to see or hear from you soon!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

labor day weekend

So classes here have been great!! Introduction of Theater History we went outside to experience a Greek-like theater setting, learning how to use my ears to identify music, how to use resources wisely, about the Enlightenment, and all that other fun stuff.

This past Friday, our school football team won against Radford University 44-6! It was amazing to watch a game that we actually "slaughter" the opposing team and not be in the Pep Band! (First game of the season and we didn't get time before to rehearse properly).

Saturday, a day to complete homework and have movie marathons. So much fun!! Sunday was very spiritual with testimonies, learning about Hosea, and talking about unity with each other. Later that day, I got together with other people who live in the mods and we played Band Hero!! So much fun playing the drums!!

Monday, I slept in, took care of some business around campus, and then more movie marathons!!! That night I went to Family Home Evening and learned how to Salsa dance! Then, attended the local fireworks display! SO MANY BRIGHT COLORS!! AND SO LOUD!!!

Class this week has been good and easy. I love you all and can't wait to hear from you all soon! If you want my mailing address, email me or call me!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Picutes of the Mod

Here are the pictures of my home for the school year!! It's small but it has everything i need except food!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

SVU: The Sophmore Year

So on Friday I made my glorious return to SVU!!! My mom drove down with me, since I don't have my license yet. I live in a modular (trailor) home with a kitchen, dinning, and living areas, 2 full bathes and a double bath (2 toilets, a shower, three sinks). There are 6 bedrooms as well, all with 2 beds. One room is for the RA only, so 5 rooms for everyone else. So far, my roommate hasn't shown up and I don't think she will... so I might get a room to myself!!

Saturday, mom and I had the adventure of finding the storage building that my friends were sharing! Oh it was frustrating!! We eventually found it when I realized that I didn't know which one it was!! I tried calling them multiple times, trying the locks with the key I had, and praying it would work. Again, we were frustrated!! Finally, I found out which one it was and got all my things out, never wanting to do that again. I finished setting up my room and it looked like I had lived there for a while. After a dinner at the local Applebee's, I went to the dance at school. I saw many friends that I missed over the summer! Oh it was great!! The dance ended late and I went to bed late.

Sunday, Mom and I went to church together in my new ward, Buena Vista University 1st Ward. All the meetings were combined and talked about the temple, except Sunday school which was about Jonah. We got VERY DEEP. But it was nice. After church, mom ate lunch with me and left about an hour later. I met with the bishop for him to get to know me and then I went to a Stake Fireside. This too was very nice and focused on hwo we need to prepare for the rest of our lives. Afterwards, I officially met the infamous Justin, Brandon's roommate from his freshman year here. He was funny and very knowledgeable about the scriptures!! I then went to Hymns on the Hill, activity where we gather to sing hymns every sunday night. We had the biggest attendance ever!!

Well, I await for my birthday in the morning. I'll be 20 and going to classes for the first time this fall. I love you all and I hope to hear from you soon!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why is being extremely busy so hard to get over?

I finished up the play this weekend! It was a good experiance for me to grow and help with making a big decision. I'm majoring in both music and theater!! I know it is a lot of work but I am willing to put in the effort to graduate with both!!
Anyway, the play went well. Seats were either sold out or close to it everynight!! That is good for the Theater Department here!! We had a critic from the Kennedy Center America competition committe come on Friday. He mainly had good things to say. Most of the negative went to set design. I had SO much fun!!! But it was plenty of work as well.

Now with the play done, I have plenty of time to do homework, church, callings, and being a regular college kid. I don't know if I can handle that!!

Meagan, congrats on the birth of Sarah Mai! My RD (resident director) just had a baby on Friday too! His name is Lincoln David Maggard. He weighs 10 lbs and 2 oz, and is 20 in long. That is one big baby!!
Well, I love you all and can't wait to see you all soon!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Being Chased by a Rhinoceros!!!

This week has been getting busier with the play opening night coming up this coming Friday!!! While doing this, I've been trying to keep up in all of my classes and fulfill my calling to the best of my capabilities.

I wish all of you in Chesapeake and other family spread through out the country could come and support me in my first college production!! As far as videos go, the department won't be filming, but parents and others can if they get permission. Admission is $4 for SVU students, fauclty, staff, and seniors. $6 for others. This is cheaper than the tickets for She Loves Me that was produced last semester.

Stay safe and warm in this winter weather and know that I love you all!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Does Exist!!

This weekend I have finally witnessed a great snow!!! It was about a foot deep of the powder stuff, but we are suppose to expect more winter weather this week!!

Last week seemed to go on FOREVER!!!! I didn't get a healthy amount of sleep (see Papi, I only had 10 hours of sleep total Monday and Tuesday nights, Wednesday was about 6, and Thursday was 8), and classes were getting confusing, and play practise was not tons of fun.

But Friday changed the mood for the weekend. Since I had slept for 8 hours the night before, I was well rested for classes and I understood more of what was going on. Forum was the best though. One of the professors performed with his traditional Appalachian music band. The percussion was the best part of it!! He used mostly his body to make the best sound effects!! And he could dance!! AMAZING!!!

Saturday was mostly snowy with play practise in the morning. Sunday was relaxing as well. We have a new convert in our ward. His name is Donny Cox and yes he attends VMI, Virginia Military Institute. He is quite funny.

Well that's all I have to say about that!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Temple Trip Blessings

Today was a great and epic day! I went to the Washington, D. C. to work in the temple. It was so much fun! I was baptised for my Nana (Elva Inez Shephard) and my great- great- grandmother Jessie Cooper Gilson Alley. It was so spiritual. I think I felt them there at the font when I came up out of the water. I loved it. I felt so much peace while at the temple. The priesthood holder that performed the ordinance with me was Dillon Urbach. He is a returned missionary from Portsmouth Ward in the Huntington WV stake, and yes we vaguely knew each other before we came out here. He is a really good friend who is a good at being a gentleman. But before all of this, I went to play practice. It was okay, I worked on the music that I perform in the show and then we ran through the first act. Yeah that was my day, how about you?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

College Freshman 2: The Spring Semester

So, I haven't been on in a while. I went home for Christmas and New Year's, having fun all along the way. I definately need to come home and recharge the battery before coming bsck for the spring semester. I have been here for a week and a half and much has happened.

I went to a Luau provided by the Institute program here and ate new food or variations of ones I had before last Friday. That night, the school held a Welcome Back Dance with winter decorations. I had fun and met a new guy. His name is Johnathan. He is 16, graduating high school (through home schooling) at age 13 or 14, and has gone to BYU for 2 years! He was fun to dance with and interesting to figure out. He is also in the orchestra playing violin. I also danced with my home teacher Nathan Taylor; he is an interesting person as well. He is the only Taylor that doesn't play an instrument, but he makes up in singing and dance. Finally, my best guy friend Alex Torres asked me to dance with him. He made me laugh almost the entire time and a good experiance.

Saturday, I worked on homework and did some straitening up in my room. I also learned that Alex was going home. He had to go because he was having surgury on the wrist he broke during pre-football season.

Sunday was a reunion of the 4th ward. It was good to see many faces that were my age at church.

Monday was fine during the day, but that night for FHE was a party! We went to Brother and Sister Carlson's House to have a meeting with the member of the bishopric. We watched baby Camery make faces and just be silly, ate snacks provided by Yiselle (mom) and the Carlsons, and played a game of writing a sentence, passing, and drawing the sentence. It was quite funny.

Tuesday, I worked out in the weightroom!! I actually used equipment and exercised!! I did this with Alex so he could teach me how to use the stuff properly and on the stuff I knew how to use how to improve my technique. He was so hard, but encouraging and helpful. I also happened to be sore until this morning. Afterwards, I went to my other classes and tried not to think about Alex leaving the next day. I also found out that my other best friend, Diamond, learned that her mom is suffering from Kidney Failure. I would like to ask all who read this to pray for her and her family. Her mom is currently on medication but they hope to get a transplant soon.

Wednesday was well until lunch. I ate lunch with Alex and when he was ready to go, we said our good- byes. Some of you don't know this but he might not come back to SVU. After surgury, he wants to prepare to serve a mission, leave for 2 years, and he isn't sure if he will come back. After my 12:30 math class, which ends at 1:20, I went to my room and cried on and off for 3 and a half hours!! That is a lot for me!! But I have good friends here that make me feel good and I also can talk to him on Facebook and through email.

Thursday was good. I started my Strength Training class and went to spanish 2. I also went to our first pep band rehersal of the semester. Fun stuff, but the band seemed to have gotten smaller...

Friday was crazy. I got up and studied for Reason and Self (Philosophy), went to class, Spanish 2, and forum with Ahmad Corbitt, the director of the New York Office of Public and International Affairs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. He was talking how frienship is the best way to get people to change opinions on how the church is presented to others. I went to my other classes and that night played a game of Sardines. Sardines is kind of the reverse of Hide and Go Seek; one person hides and others search to find them, the last person is it the next round or the first, it depends how you want to play. A group of my friends went to hang out at the Mods across from the library. We were going to watch a movie, but waited too long on other people we thought were coming.

Today I had a RS Presidentcy meeting and Pep Band rehersal. After that, I've been working on homework, and typing this...

So pray for Diamond and her family this week and for the rest of the month! And I will update soon, while waiting look at these pictures!!!