Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter 7 Part 1 Premire

So last night I went to my first movie premire! It was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1! What a first premire! This one will probably be my favorite because it seems to follow the book the most.
The audiance was mostly full of James Madson University students who didn't know how to be quiet! Either they were talking or being loud shushing the others that it was obnoxious. Otherwise we all had fun!

I even dressed up! I went as Hermione Granger, the smart one with good senses. I went with Rachel and Casey Adams, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter, Justin Bowes, Kathy Gilmer, Ashley Wilcox, a random Hufflepuff student, Mariel and Erik Kunz, Molly Weasley and Hagrid, Nathan Taylor, Remus Lupin, and Arielle Tanner, Luna Lovegood.

I dedicated my night and costume to Mrs. Susan Miller. She was a teacher I had for the Harry Potter club in middle school, becoming my dear friend. She passed away my senoir year of high school from cancer, I think it was lung cancer but I'm not sure. So, this is her Little Hermione all grown up and remembering her.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh November!!

This month has been like Diamondback at King's Island, crazy and everywhere.

Academically, classes are going well and you can tell the end of the semester is getting closer. Final papers, harder exams, stressed out freshman, and all that fun stuff. Classes have been going pretty well for me, not that I don't have my challenges, but they haven't been miserable.

Spiritually, things have been good. I am now the Relief Society Greeter for my ward! Yay callings! And everyday I gain a stronger testimony of the church and the Gospel.

Socially, it has been crap. I won't go into detail here because if I want you to know, I will share with you personally. But I'm getting stronger one day at a time, putting a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

But it was made better with also conversations with people who are involved and dear friends and family. Which surprised me with a visit this past friday!! It was amazing!! I definately needed them at this time!

And if any one know who this is, Charles Manuel came and talked at our school Friday. He remineced most of the time about growing up in BV. He just kept talking and talking... it took forever! Not that I don't apprecitate that he took the time to visit, he just liked to talk.

The Wind Ensemble concert on Friday went well. The music was an overall success. We played Jupiter from Holst: The Planets, and Sweringen and Susa, and other great musical bits.

I pray that you all have a good week!